Post Three
In terms of what I am getting from the book there is the fact that I always had trouble asking for help when it came to my own personal work. I did not like asking for help in any way and would try to tough it out and solve any problems in my code by myself. This semester I have been more open about having trouble with my work and have actually gone to talk to the TA in the class for help on the current project or homework that I am working on. This is something I have personally never done before but I did see how help I was getting when it came to solving any mistakes in the work I had done.
This has boosted my persistence in working in a STEM related field due to the help I got. It was the fact that I was not the only one asking for help and that there were other students that were having similar issues. I did have some trouble this semester but I can't always have a perfect semester so I just need to keep pushing and working at it until I graduate.
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