Learning Adobe InDesign

Starting this week I have started to learn how to use Adobe InDesign using several tutorials to pick up the basics. After learning the basics I will start some projects to further my experience with InDesign. I picked a local organization to use as the example for the project. This will be done using several versions based of the tutorial videos and remake them using Local First Arizona as the basis for them. There are other projects that will be given to me to further my experience with Adobe InDesign. This will be what I do for the next few weeks.
Source: https://helpx.adobe.com/indesign/how-to/get-started-indesign.html?playlist=/ccx/v1/collection/product/indesign/segment/designer/explevel/beginner/applaunch/ccl-get-started-1/collection.ccx.js&ref=helpx.adobe.com


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