Post One

 One person I am grateful to would be Niall McCarthy due to how much help I got from him when I first started STEM/TRAIN. He was the one who told me about the scholarship and all the benefits that came with it while I was still at South Mountain Community College. He also helped out with the internships I was involved within my time there and helped introduce us to people at the internships themselves. I probably would not have the experience I do now if he was not as helpful as he is.

The advice I would give to my younger self would be more willing to give things a try. This is due to how withdrawn I was back then. I am still an introvert but now I do realize that I need to reign in that shyness and jump into the conversation or give something a chance rather than backing off because I do not know all information I would prefer to have. The best I could offer my younger self would be to push back your nerves and do not be afraid to give things a shot.


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